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It took a short in my iPod for me to realize what a major distraction it had become for me. I listened to my iPod for hours on a daily basis; on the train going to work and coming home from work, in the gym working out, sometimes on my break, and that little stretch of time between leaving the cafeteria after breakfast and heading to my desk. When I noticed I had a short in the iPod instantly I thought, “I gotta replace this right away, how am I going to get through the day without it.” then I reasoned with myself and calculated the expenses along with the accessories (I’ve had this iPod for almost 4 years, Apple has since upgraded) and came to the conclusion that financially it wasn’t a wise choice since I’m trying to save money. A $200 dollar purchase right now would be counterproductive to my fiscal goals. After my financial analysis I thought about how my hearing has been deteriorating. Look, I want to be able to hear when I’m 65 but having tiny speakers constantly blasting in my ears will surely leave me a least partially def by the time I’m 50. In addition to all of this I’ve always believed that these “i” devices and others alike are made with harmful materials that will eventually have adverse effects on those of us who use them. So my iPod is in my dresser drawer and I’m not sure when I will buy another one, but I think it’s time for a long break from it. My ears, my mind, and my spirit need a rest. Yes I said my spirit.

Today I got a wakeup call spiritually; I realized the iPod was zapping my listening time to God. The time I spent zoning out or jamming to my favorite tunes I could have been turning an attentive ear to the Holy Spirit. I believe God is always talking in some form or the other. I believe He reaches out to his children daily to communicate, for a connection. I have been giving God the shaft every time I put the ear buds into my head. My number one job as a minister, as an intercessor, as a child of God is to develop a listening ear to God’s voice. How can I be directed by God if I can’t hear or don’t know His voice?

So many people want a word from the Lord some pay for prophesies and sometimes go to extreme measures to get a “word” but God is there for each and everyone us 24/7 we just have to make the time. God has something he wants to share with us every day but do we listen? Most people don’t because they don’t want to make any sacrifices, suffer any discomfort, or rearrange their schedules. Many people are lazy and they want deepened spirituality instantaneously. I’m learning that I must peel away some things in my life in order to hear God and to get closer to him. You know I could find my mother in a crowd of a thousand blindfolded if I heard her voice. Well I want to discern God’s voice more clearly than my own mother’s. I want Him to be crystal clear. How do I get there? What must I do? I’m not exactly sure but I think I’m off to a good start because right now I’m all ears.

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Comment by Melissa M. Ashby on May 8, 2009 at 6:01pm
I agree w/and co-sign the coined phrase idistraction.
I tell my boys all the time to turn it down! I have hearing difficulty now from years of loud music. But I was drowning out the world, my world and all that was unpleasant in it. It worked for a while, but you grow and have to stop running.
However, we can still tune in to the word and tune out the other stuff all at once. I suggest an audio bible! Sometime ago, I purchased the audio disk set of the bible, the one that all of the stars collaborated on. I am going to put it on my iPod and listen to it at a reasonably audible level. I used to listen to it in my car, but I got distracted! I used to keep my radio tuned into the Yolanda Adams morning show...I got distracted and wet back to secular radio, I can't tell you why, there was just a disconnect. I feel conflicted at times, because my kids like to listen to the popular tunes, and I must admit I do too. But I am on a different path and I struggle sometimes. LOL Pray for me y’all.
Most days I listen to nothing at all. I value silence, peace and quiet. But the points you make are very valuable and valid. The volume is an important thing to take note of, as well as the content we tune into.
Great talking point on being financially responsible! Many of us are living well above our means. It seems we value things, more than people. God forbid we lose our jobs and haven't adjusted our way of thinking, living and spending. Change is good and the time is now!
Comment by Bill Smith on May 3, 2009 at 1:38pm
Very insightful.....Something to really think about.

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