La Maledizione Di Erika Film Completo In Italiano Download Gratuito Hd 720p >>> DOWNLOAD (Mirror #1)
Original Title: Lady Terminator
Genge: Action,Horror
The spirit of an ancient evil queen posesses the body of a young anthropological student, who then goes on a murderous rampage.
A hilariously awful Indonesian film which sloppily mixes together a plot involving the old Indonesian legend of the "South Seas Queen" with a scene-for-scene rip-off of THE TERMINATOR, focusing on the violent action aspects of the tale but without any imagination or skill that James Cameron brought to the original movie. I always get a kick out of watching these films produced in countries where no copyright laws exist, and NASTY HUNTER is one of the most explicit, no-holds-barred rip-offs of all time. Just about every memorable sequence in THE TERMINATOR is ripped off here with few or little changes.
However, the film begins at first in typical Indonesian bizarre territory. Set one hundred years ago, we watch incredulously as the South Seas Queen is satisfied by her 100th lover, who then proceeds to rip an eel out of her privates (!). The eel, it is revealed, is her source of black magic power and destroying it banishes her to the depths of the ocean. Of course, in present times she returns, possessing a woman with the same eel (an act shown in typically graphic detail), and goes around castrating men in lots of gratuitously violent scenes with spurting blood all over. The police, of course, are at a loss, blaming "a small animal" for the deaths! Now, this alone would be enough plot for your average foreign B-movie, but then the film suddenly becomes a TERMINATOR rip-off and the real fun begins.
The first scene sees the naked killer rising from the ocean to attack, kill and strip a couple of drunks for their clothes. She then proceeds to enter a nightclub and massacre most of the patrons in a sequence which copies THE TERMINATOR scene-for-scene (the action, the characters, the blasting through a window, even the twitching fingers are all there). One character even says "come with me if you want to live"! From then on, the various car chases and shootings are all the same, plus a hilarious rehash of the police station massacre except this time it takes place at an army base instead (?). The over-the-top finale replaces the expensive metal skeleton that Arnie turned into with a hideous zombie creature which shoots red laser beams from its eyes to kill people, and is finally destroyed with a glowing blue dagger which causes it to be electrocuted. No, I had no idea about that either, but it sure is fun to watch.
Of course, the production values are rock bottom, the editing sloppy, and the dubbing appalling. The acting is non-existent, just wooden, with the lead actress also doubling as the make-up artist! But with so much insanity going on you just can't help but love this movie. Other ingredients that I forgot to mention include: lashings of gore and sex; plenty of nudity; thousands of rounds being fired in the action sequences but the characters rarely having to reload; about a dozen large explosions of vehicles and scenery; a helicopter firing missiles at a car but failing to destroy it; a tidal wave inexplicably destroying a sailing boat; bizarre slow-motion deaths; a mystic with a glowing green power ball; a scene where the killer cuts out her eyeball, washes it under a tap and then replaces it (!); a tank called in to destroy the menace; and more cheesy special effects and makeups than you can shake a stick at. NASTY HUNTER may be an appalling rip-off, but it offers up more entertainment value than a hundred cheap, boring, western-made B-movies, and has to be seen to be believed.
As the title suggests, Lady Terminator takes influence from the eighties classic 'The Terminator'. Successful American films often get cheap rip off versions made, but what is surprising about this one is just how much it shamelessly steals from James Cameron's famous film. It's not just the central premise - the thievery even goes down to whole scenes being taken and even certain mannerisms of the leading character! Still...considering the quality of this film, I can't see James Cameron caring too much about it! Lady Terminator really is a terrible film; but it's also great fun for all the same reasons. The build up to the Terminator-style plot takes influence from any number of films in which powerful people come back to haunt later generations of a certain family. In this case it's the Sea Queen; a woman who uses an eel to brutally kill any man who can't satisfy her. When one man thwarts her, she swears vengeance on his great granddaughter. Enter Tania Wilson: an Anthropology student who stumbles on the old lair of the Sea Queen while doing research and comes back as an unstoppable female in a leather jacket!
Lady Terminator really is pure trash, but at least its entertaining trash and there's certainly no shortage of gun fights, car chases and gory deaths. Pretty much everything in the film comes off as being stupid; nothing more so than Barbara Anne Constable in the lead role. She looks quite cool walking round in her leather jacket and trousers; but the image of her with a machine gun blasting everyone Arnie style is hard not to giggle at. There's some great dialogue in the film, and every now and again there's a little exchange or event that is sure to make the right kind of people erupt with laughter. There's also a fair amount of sex thrown into the mix too; though it seems to be clear that the director wanted to focus more on the action. It won't be hard to guess where the plot is going for anyone who has seen The Terminator; but that's not a big problem as where the plot is going isn't half as important as how it's getting there. The final ten minutes are a real blast, and the last thing that Lady Terminator rips off The Terminator is the best! Overall, this is definitely stupid crap - but its awesome stupid crap and comes recommended to the right kind of people!
Just like "Dangerous Seductress" there are two versions of the movie. Lightning effects have been put over every bare breast for the Indochinese market this effect is missing in the International version. The Mondo Macabro DVD features some sort of mix version. The major part is equal to the International version while the scene in which Tania trashes the hotel room is equal to the Indochinese version. The additional effects are somewhat impressive alright but unfortunately they cover up Tanias breasts in some shots. Apart from this censorship the Mondo Macabro DVD is slightly cut, most notably during the sex scene with Max and Erika, and also sports a few jump cuts. So the Japanese VHS features the "real" International version which is the longest version worldwide.
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